Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment

Become More Connected with Life Through Anxiety Treatment

Is anxiety, self-doubt or work stress keeping you awake at night? Are you having trouble focusing on important tasks during the day because you are constantly worrying? Anxious thoughts can be like bullies pushing you around and preventing you from being present and enjoying life.

The struggle with anxiety can feel like a tug-of-war match that never ends. The harder you fight your anxiety, the worse the struggle grows. You spend so much time trying not to feel anxious that there is no time left to enjoy your life and relationships. Your life gets put on hold waiting for the pain to lessen. At Morris Therapy and Consulting, you will learn how to slow down anxious thoughts and feel more connected with the world around you.

Morris Therapy and Consulting Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety shows up differently for all of us. Whether it’s frequent worries about the future, avoiding situations for fear of what could happen, or physical feelings of tension and restlessness, learning how to manage the thoughts and emotions behind anxiety can help you feel better and less exhausted. With Morris Therapy and Consulting anxiety treatment, you will learn new skills and strategies to reduce the overwhelming thoughts and emotions holding you back from enjoying life.

I specialize in several types of therapy approaches for treating anxiety. These approaches will help you to understand your triggers and how to change your reactions to them. Since all people are different, therapy is tailored specifically to you and what you are experiencing. I provide cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, exposure therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy to help achieve successful results.

Therapy and Consulting Anxiety Treatment
What to Expect from Anxiety Treatment Therapy
What to Expect from Anxiety Treatment

Clients often seek therapy for anxiety because they are unable to work through the anxiety on their own. Therapy involves exploring the reasons behind the anxiety, identifying triggers and challenging unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that increase anxiety in the long run. I will help you slow down your mind and be able to notice the positives around you.

Healthcare Worker Support Group

Are you a healthcare worker struggling with anxiety, stress, grief, or moral injury during the COVID-19 pandemic? This online therapy group can help! As a healthcare professional caring for others on the frontline, it can be difficult to make space to care for yourself too. This is an incredibly difficult balance, especially when all your resources are running thin. The group is designed to help members learn ways of regulating our systems and discharging stress so that we can continue to show up for our patients, families, and ourselves.

Therapy and Consulting Trauma

Decrease Anxiety with Morris Therapy and Consulting

I am a licensed psychologist specializing in trauma and anxiety treatment. I offer convenient video and phone therapy sessions that are available for individuals and groups. Get help for your anxiety by making a consultation appointment today.

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